Love Donna Flora; fashion for a cause

SL peoples love shopping for a cause, as do RL peoples for that matter, and while it’s just as subject as RL causes to the usual “why do you put energy into THIS when there is also THAT?” sort of questioning, I still think it is a Great Thing.

The other day (was that just yesterday?) Michele passed me a notecard about Love Donna Flora, a sim-sized event to help with the medical expenses of one of our creators.

The Love Donna Flora event will open on July 25th @ 12:01 AM and close at midnight on August 11th. It will feature work from more than 100 creators with proceeds going to Squinternet Larnia of Donna Flora.

The arrival point point is in the center of the sim, which is a little confusing at first, but follow one of the nice cart-paths out toward the edge, and you’ll come to the main path, all around the sim, lined by picturesque carts selling all manner of things.

And it’s in a good cause!

(Look for the purple DNF logo signs on the signs; the contribution rate varies; many are 100%)

Okay, with all that out of the way :) here is the real reason for the post: a picture of me!

at Love Donna Flora

Wearing mostly random things, but at least I’m at the place. :)

Dress (actually from the event!): Klepsydra – Georgia – Black – Love Donna Flora.
Despite being mesh :) it sort of almost fits me; M, shown here, it just a tad small in a couple of spots; L makes me look curvier than I really am.

Hair: A&A Kaya, Dark Brown.
A 50L special in the Attic at VreMode.

Choker: Nizam Pearl Choker.
From Zaara

Tatt: Guanshiyin.
From CoLLisions

Leggings: Stripey Tights (Sheer) from Gauze